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At BEC, we have a set of 11 core values regarding mission and ministry.  These are our guiding principles that shape our identity as a church.


Triune God

We believe in the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  We believe that God chooses to work with, in, and through believers and their daily lives.  Therefore, we submit ourselves to His sovereign will.


Personal Faith

We value a dynamic, personal faith relationship. We believe that through prayer, study, and fellowship, we can develop an ever-deepening relationship with God.


Building Loving Relationships

We value the Body of Christ.  We believe we are to love one another as God has first loved us.  Therefore, we commit ourselves to bearing one another’s burdens and loving unconditionally.  In addition, we believe loving unity amidst diversity.


Communal Worship

We value spirit-led, communal worship in which the church body unites together in faith.  We believe worship should glorify God and engage the hearts and minds of all believers.


Spiritual Gifts

We believe that each believer is endowed by the Holy Spirit with specific spiritual gifts for the work of ministry and building up of the Body of Christ.  We believe these gifts come in various different forms and expressions.  Therefore, we value and encourage the discovery and expression of these gifts for the betterment of the Body of Christ.


Evangelism and Outreach

We affirm and believe that we are all sinners redeemed by the blood of Christ.  It is only through a faith relationship with Him that we can be restored and inherit eternal life.  This belief partnered with our affirmation of the Great Commission, demands that it is our responsibility to make Christ known through personal testimony, evangelism, service, and missions.


Biblical Authority

We believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God.  As the Word of God, we believe the Bible is the most important authority in all areas of faith and practice in our ministry.  Through prayerful, Spirit-led study and application of the scriptures, we can know God and His truth, experience His life-changing power, and grow in spiritual faith and maturity.


Image of God

We believe that each and every human is created in the image of God.  In addition, we believe that all have sinned but that God’s grace offers redemption to all.  Therefore, everyone is welcome here, and we commit to show them love.


Small Groups

We believe that fellowship and relationship with fellow believers fosters spiritual growth.  Therefore, we value interpersonal relationships and small groups that foster authenticity, open discussion, encouragement, accountability, and faith development.



We value spiritual growth and discipleship.  We believe all believers are called to grow ever more like Christ.  Therefore, we value interpersonal discipling relationships that foster growth in faith and maturity.


Leadership Development

We believe the members of the Body of Christ are most effective when working together.  Therefore, we value a team approach to leadership in which each person’s spiritual gifts are utilized.  In addition, we believe leadership is the expression of one’s growing personal faith and commitment to the local church and that the role of leader includes the responsibility to pour into and equip others.

558 Petersburg Rd.

Carlisle, PA 17015​

Tel: 717-380-8008

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